Introduction / Biography

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website, I am truly grateful.  We are all on a journey to become the best version of ourselves.  Self-love and a conscious decision to look inside oneself can be somewhat daunting, however be reassured that all the answers we seek come from within.  Be mindful to listen to your heart and intuition they’re unconditionally there for you always.  The signs we receive from the outside universe and our hearts are there to guide us on our path, combining both will set you free.  

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world”. Mahatma Gandhi

Alongside my passion for the healing arts, I’ve also had the opportunity to work as a stunt woman in an industry I so love -movies!  Being on set can take a toll on our physical bodies and can be emotionally draining as well. This lifestyle inspired me to delve deeper into the art of energetic healing and create a one hour ‘Energy Tune Up’ that incorporates a variety of techniques to encourage inner peace, self love, mental clarity and a sense of awareness and balance.

Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to share space and time with you on this life journey.  My aim is to spread love and healing to all those I encounter. 

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi 


Met Salih is originally from the UK with a Turkish Cypriot background. At a young age, her ancestors taught her that by using prayer/intention, energy, plants and herbs, one could heal oneself. This is where her curiosity and love for healing and transformation began.

She has over 16 years of experience in energy work – Crystal Reiki and started Iridescence Healing in New Orleans back n 2013.

In 2017 she began incorporating sound healing into her Reiki sessions. She uses quartz crystal bowls and other instruments to work with her clients on an emotional level to move energy with vibrational frequencies. She hosts monthly Crystal Reiki Sound Healing Journeys (Sound Baths).

Her love for yoga started in 2005 when she moved to LA and began training with Light at her local gym. He introduced and trained her in Transcendental Meditation, this was a pivotal time for Met. Light changed her life as she knew it and guided her on a whole new path of compassion, healing and wellness.

In 2010 she moved to New Orleans where she began assisting kids’ yoga classes for four years at Wild Lotus Yoga Studio, she then took her yoga teacher training in Hatha Yoga and became certified in Restorative and Kids Yoga.

She began working with plant medicines in 2018, her experience was so incredibly life changing that she decided to devote more time in becoming more knowledgeable about the plants. In 2021 she undertook a yearlong apprenticeship in Ecuador, to do just that! In 2021 whilst in Costa Rica she received a clear message to start offering Cacao Ceremonies, her love for dark chocolate was so immense she took a training in Cacao and drinks her every day to meditate and connect.

She has recently started hosting mini transformational retreats of all types to not only better herself but to assist in serving others too. She also just underwent a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in India on Oct 2023 and will begin to incorporate Kundalini into her offerings as her experience was incredible and deeply healing.

She is extremely devoted to creating space for transformation as she believes that peace and healing comes from within which can then spread to everyone and everything to create infinite love and light.